Thursday, November 01, 2007

SEO Articles And Web Marketing: Use The Power Of Focus Part 2

Focusing on a particular keyword phrase in all your SEO articles for web marketing purposes can easily turn out to be the key that opens the door for you to great success. Yet at first glance it may look extremely limiting to concentrate all your efforts on a single keyword. Nothing can be further from the truth.

How Focusing Your SEO Articles And Web Marketing On The Niche You Are Best Placed To Shine In, Can Make A Huge Difference
Let us take a very practical example to prove to ourselves that there is much more to a single keyword phrase than we may think.

Let’s take the keyword phrase for this article “SEO articles” which is my chosen niche by the way. When somebody enters those words in a search engine seeking information they will most probably be looking for info on how to write their own SEO articles to attract traffic to their site. In the article they will discover how important keyword research is, which is a huge topic on its’ own. Then there is the issue of Page Rank (PR) which to understand fully, one has to study the history of the Google search engine and how the wonderful new search engine based on a page rank system revolutionized the web making it much easier for anybody to quickly find what they were looking for.

And yet at this stage we have not even scratched the surface. We have not even started talking about how to write the SEO article itself for web marketing purposes, which by the way is another huge topic which will lead us to the option of using an inexpensive ghost writer. This leads in turn us to yet another issue of how to find a good ghost writer. Get my drift?

When a site takes this approach of tightly focusing on a single keyword phrase (as well as all related keyword phrases and synonyms, but all closely related to your single keyword phrase), what happens is that anybody doing a search and landing on your site will find it packed with valuable and extremely relevant information.

Although I must quickly add that my recommendation would be for you NOT to publish all the information on your site. Reserve some for your weekly ezine or email newsletter to harvest email addresses of the prospects who visit your site and ultimately to write a book on the subject. Generally the idea should be for you to find a way to maximize on the revenues from your site even as you provide lots of valuable free information packaged in SEO articles for the purposes of marketing yourself on the web.

But it all starts with the single keyword phrase that will keep you busy for a life time with SEO marketing articles.

You can get a free sample of my best-selling eBook Powerful SEO Article Writing Tips For Dummies And Non-writers at my web marketing blog. And you can also take a look at this SEO articles headline writing service.

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