Tuesday, April 18, 2006

High Traffic Marketing Articles: How To Create Them

What does a high traffic marketing article look like? Actually most web site or blog site owners have no idea and wouldn't recognize one, even if it walked right past them.

Yet the World Wide Web registers every month, quite a huge number of high traffic marketing articles that attract search engine traffic that runs into the millions.

A high traffic marketing article will tend to be a keyword-rich article based on popular keywords searched often in leading search engines. To create this kind of high traffic marketing article, calls for the use of carefully selected popular keyword phrases that are bast suited for your site based on a number of factors. This includes how the particular site in question is ranked. The lower ranked a site is, the less competitive keyword phrases that have to be selected.

There is another type of high traffic marketing article that will usually not feature highly at search engines but will enjoy huge traffic via the numerous links pointed at it. This kind of article is usually created with the idea of attracting as many links as possible. There is even a name for this kind of high traffic marketing article. It is often referred to as a link-baiting article.

Creating high traffic marketing articles is a sure way to attract targeted constant visitors to any web site.

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Nancy Burpee is a world class paralympic swimmer, who has set world records in the 50 and 100 yards freestyle but was disqualified and thus effectively locked out from the 2004 Paralympic Games held in Athens, Greece on a procedural technicality. Law firm simmons jannace & stagg represented her in an effort to have the disqualification overturned and argued that the Australian referee showed bias against Ms. Burpee by making various comments indicating that the Australian referee did not want Ms. Burpee competing against an Australian paralympic swimmer at the games.


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Thanks chris for your helpful article and links.

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Great article!

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